What is The F.E.M.M.E. Method?

How is it more effective and maintainable than other approaches?👇

FEMME Family: Results, Experiences,Testimonials & Stories 


Get up close & personal with women who went from feeling stuck to feeling confident using the F.E.M.M.E. Method!

Meet my client, COURTNEY

20 lbs had crept on pretty quick and she was determined to lose it but even with consistent exercise and eating healthier, the scale wouldn’t budge. After starting the F.E.M.M.E. Method, not only did she reach her goal in months, but she was eating her fave foods AND got ABS in her 40s!

Meet my client, JENNY

She’s lost 50 lbs so far on the FEMME Method, all while working out less than she had in years! She thought she was STUCK at the weight she was, she’d tried so many things. She still is amazed at the results she continues to get, while putting in less effort.

Meet my client, JESSICA

After having 3 kids, she wanted to get back in shape. She made some progress on her own, but plateaued. Once she joined FEMME, she broke plateaus and got in the best shape of her life! And, reached her goal of ABS at 40!


This woman is on top of it. She’s a mom of 3 and she couldn’t lose the last 15 lbs. After 2 months of FEMME, she’s down 9 and continuing to progress with confidence!

Meet my client, JENNY!

For years, the pounds had slowly crept on. Although she was exercising, she wasn’t seeing any changes in her body. After learning & applying the FEMME Method, her body released fat and she made lifestyle changes little by little that she could stick to! Now, she’s actually excited for a bikini!

Meet my client, NIKKY

She started the F.E.M.M.E. Method in the fall & continued through the holidays! Not only did she reach her goal weight in 3 months, but she flattened her tummy after having 4 kids. Since then, she’s maintained her results. Here’s how he/she did it…

Meet my client, TRACEY

When Tracey joined the FEMME Fitness, she felt tired and stuck. Her cardio workouts weren’t creating any results. In 11 weeks she lost 6” off her waist,11lbs, & toned her whole body while still enjoying her favorite foods any day she wanted! Here’s how she did it…

Meet JENNIFER. She lost 30 lbs for good 🙌

She wanted to lose weight (in a healthy way) but was confused on which approach would work. Her Beachbody workouts weren’t creating results anymore. She’d been exercising consistently, even with MS (amazing woman), and was committed to becoming as healthy as she could … but the weight wasn’t moving. Now, she’s 30 lbs down and feel confident about progressing from here!

How NIKKI lost 4” off her waist without food restrictions and while doing workouts she enjoyed!
Her INTERVIEW says SOOO much more than this headline – it’s a true behind-the-scenes reflection of what weight loss can be – positive & empowering ❤️❤️

57 lbs down. She didn’t even know it was possible!

Jenny was dedicated to her workouts for 6 years and saw ZERO changes. With F.E.M.M.E. she made steady progress, even with months of traveling. The best part? She’s still progressing simply because she wants to, knows she can and it feels good! 

After some busy seasons as a working mom going to school, the pounds had slowly piled on for Amy. Since starting F.E.M.M.E. she’s already 51 lbs down, w/o food restrictions and fully confident she’ll reach her goal weight!

As a busy working mom, Kay was trying to eat healthy and find time to exercise, but it wasnt happening consistently. And, even when she thought was doing well, the scale wouldn’t budge. We crafted something do-able for her schedule using the FEMME Method principles and Voila. PROGRESS! 

171 to 142 – Almost 30 lbs 🙌

Jan had been consistently exercising for years, but had PLATEAUED for months, doing everything she knew. After starting F.E.M.M.E she’s made progress every week since, and keeps going! She’d even prepped for a bikini competition in the past, and KNEW a restrictive approach wasn’t worth it. FEMME gave her the ultimate WIN/WIN – RESULTS + FREEDOM!

Alise was feeling bloated and blah. Her eating habits over the years had caught up to her and she felt worn out. After doing F.E.M.M.E. for 6 months, she’s completely changed how she goes about her nutrition and switched to more strategic workouts. She still enjoys being social & eating out, and is on her way to her goal weight, fully confident she’ll get there!

Bailey felt STUCK. She was exercising and doing her best to eat healthy, and saw no changes in 4 months!!! And, she was exhausted. Then F.E.M.M.E happened, she knew what to do to get the results she wanted and changed her body & life!

Over the years, weight has crept on from various busy and/or stressful seasons of life and it got to the point that Kate didn’t feel like herself!  On FEMME she lost 15 lbs (according to the scale) and went through boatloads of inner-transformation (education, changing self-talk, changing habits, developing skills, developing confidence in following through, learning to get her workouts in when life got crazy, learning to navigate nutrition in so many social settings and more!!!!) CONGRATS!

Kendra was doing plenty of cardio and struggled with sweets. Her progress had plateaued. She courageously reached out for support, and got the guidance she needed to do things a more effective way. Now, she’s unstoppable.

As a former athlete, Anna wasn’t feeling like herself. After years of traveling, she found herself 20lbs heavier and couldn’t get the weight to budge, especially with her love of Italian food. With the right strategy & support, she got back in shape & felt stronger than ever, while still enjoying the foods she loved. 

Julie had a pattern of putting her priorities last with her family, and the weight had slowly crept on. With a strategy & support from F.E.M.M.E. she made new habits to steadily dropped pounds & inches! 

Kayla was tired of feeling tired, and tired of her excuses! She wanted a plan and support. She got WAY more and changed her life. This is only the beginning of her new lifestyle!

Nadine had lost weight in the past, but it never stayed off because she’d always followed a restrictive method. In F.E.M.M.E. she learned how to portion & balance any food in her diet, and lost the weight in a way it will stay off!

Jess had plateaued, despite doing Beachbody workouts 5-6 days a week, and she felt like her tummy pooch was the bane of her existence. By doing the Flat Tummy Formula in F.E.M.M.E. she was able to make better progress than ever!

Rachel is a working mom of 3. In 5 months, she transformed her tummy & body… something she’d wanted to do for years! The workouts and nutrition strategy were time efficient and flexible so she was set up to succeed. She locked in and rocked it!

Melanie was feeling heavy in all aspects, and her energy & body reflected it. As she implemented workouts & nutrition that fit her life and body, she lightened up, not just in her body, but life. She found a new job that she loves, attracted a loving relationship and is moving to a new state!

Alexandra was the same weight for 6 years, despite plenty of effort to lose it. She started the F.E.M.M.E. Method in December 2019, and look how far she came in 1 year, while traveling in a camper over the summer. No food restrictions, plenty of carbs and no crazy workouts. And, she’s still making progress 🔥

Nikky lost all the baby weight, flattened her tummy, closed her diastasis recti in 3 months… even through the holidays!

Keira was an avid runner, but had a stubborn extra 10 lbs. A few months on the F.E.M.M.E. Method (hitting her portions and balancing her workouts with strategic strength training from home) and goodbye last 10lbs with the knowledge & skillset to keep them off. 

Over 6 years of a demanding job, the weight had crept on. Mel got it off in 6 months by making lifestyle changes she could stick with.

After turning 40, Court gained 20 lbs. She tried to lose it on her own & nothing was working. 5 months on the F.E.M.M.E. Method & she had her dream body.

After her first baby, Shawna wanted to get in the best shape of her life, and tone & shape like she’d never been able to before. Mission accomplished 🙌🙌


I specialize in working with women with full schedules. I’m in the same boat – I love and choose to have a full schedule!

Here’s more context about if you have time for this:

  1. Your program will be customized to you: your goals, body and lifestyle.


  1. I have yet to coach a woman who couldn’t find the time. We make it work for YOU. Some women will do more workouts than others based on their schedules. The plan is kept flexible so you can fit things in during pockets of time you have available.


  1. We take the program in steps, focusing on nutrition first (that’s where you’ll get the results fastest), then workouts. If you want to start with nutrition only in the beginning or a minimal workout schedule (like walking, deep core exercises etc), you can! We can add in workouts incrementally as you go, based on what you feel confident you can commit to. We always co-create your program together to fit YOU.


  1. This is a transformational and learning process designed to create lasting results. You will learn portioning and balancing, strategic strengthening and how to breakthrough patterns that lead to weight gain. During the first couple weeks there is a learning curve as you implement your plan, but as you progress and learn, you’ll get faster at everything and you’ll be set up to have smart health routines from here on out!

You can workout at home or the gym.

For home workouts, you’ll need

  • A variety of dumbbells. To start, I recommend 2 pairs (we’ll talk about how heavy you’ll need for YOU), and incrementally up from there as you progress & gain strength.
  • A yoga mat
  • Something you can step up onto safely that’s about 1 foot high. Many women use their coffee table, some have a weight bench, some use a big stool or chair. It must be stable and sturdy.
  • Resistance bands – I recommend two specific sets that are very affordable

The investment amount depends on your situation, goals and what will best set you up for success.

This is an INVESTMENT designed to pay off for the rest of your life. You will not only get great results, but you’ll gain the education and confidence to continue from here on out.

You’ll know how to

  • Portion and balance ANY food in your diet to lose fat or maintain (life skill)
  • A strategic & minimal workout schedule (life skill)
  • keep going long-term with ease & flow (life skill)

You are empowered with education and a sustainable method you feel confident about sticking with – that you WANT to stick with because you feel so good and it’s flexible and minimal! It’s STRATEGIC & SUSTAINABLE for busy women.

No more buying random programs or signing up for gym memberships where you don’t know what workouts are best etc.

Payment plans are available if it’s a GREAT FIT and someone is committed to being resourceful. If you want to make it happen – I am open to crafting a payment plan. But #1 – you are COMMITTED to taking action and bringing your best. I don’t coach wishy-washy women. If you’re in, we’re rocking this!

I coach women for 6 or 12 months at a time.

That may seem long in comparison to other plans and programs, but after years of coaching I’ve learned those durations set women up for lasting success because ….

  • Sustainable weight loss takes time


  • We’re here to learn and create habits, not use willpower to get through a 21-day, 8 week or 3-month program. For you to BECOME a healthy and fit women, it takes time and practice. Every day is practice at becoming and BEING her.


  • We need time for ‘life to happen’ and you to learn how to keep your health as a priority so those times when vacations, sickness, life changes, hardships would make you fall off the wagon, you learn how to commit to baseline health routines.


  • Fat loss can be supportive to do in phases, for your metabolism and lifestyle. Whenever you’re eating in a caloric deficit your metabolism is adapting to burn less. After a solid fat loss phase, it’s important to slowly increase caloric intake to ‘retrain’ your metabolism to burn more. During this phase, you will maintain your weight but be priming your metabolism, so when you reduce calories again, you lose fat faster. This also supports your hormones and frankly, your happiness. This is also a SKIILL you will learn in FEMME Fitness.


  • WEIGHT SET POINT – Once you’ve maintained a certain weight for a period of time, your body creates a ‘weight set point’ where it becomes relatively easy to maintain that weight. So, after losing weight it can be easy to gain it back because a NEW WEIGHT SET POINT hasn’t been created. So, once you reach your goal weight it’s KEY to LOCK THAT IN and maintain it for a few months to create a new weight set point.

This is for the hubbies who genuinely think their wife can reach her weight loss goals on her own, or by joining a gym or by using some ‘affordable’ fix that fixes nothing.
Sometimes I’ll hear, ‘I know your program would change my life, but my hubby thinks it’s too much money, so I can’t.’ I don’t take it personally; I know hubbies often don’t understand the whole picture. So, HERE IT IS 😊
Dear hubbies,


What I’m about to share is from the perspective of a health coach who struggled for years myself. I ask that you read this through with an open-mind, before coming to any conclusions.

If your wife had the whole solution to reach her goals and maintain her results, she would have those results already.
❤️❤️❤️ She wants to feel confident in her skin and energized in her body. It MATTERS A LOT to her because she wants …
– to feel confident with YOU
– you to feel proud of her
– to be flirty with you and drive you crazy, but tells herself she isn’t attractive enough
– to improve intimacy with you but right now, she gets in her head about her body and doesn’t feel in the mood too often due to lack of body confidence & lack of energy
– to do any activity together with you & the fam, without huffing and puffing
– to feel great in her swimsuit when you go on vacation together
– to set an example of a healthy lifestyle for her family
– to lose the tummy because it makes her self-conscious and get in her head instead of being in the present moment
– to gain freedom with food so she finally stops overeating and feeling tired & bloated… which almost always leads to a, ‘not tonight, honey.’
I know you love her as she is, and that’s awesome! And, THERE IS SO MUCH MORE AVAILABLE TO HER to take her health and body up several notches, that would not only light her up and change her life, but yours TOO!
💯 Here’s what you may not be aware of. A whole SOLUTION requires a strategy that SOLVES ALL her challenges, not just some.
👉👉👉 To get and KEEP the results she wants, she needs solutions like…
– A minimal & effective exercise plan to tone & shape her body
– Solutions to flatten her tummy
– A meal strategy that allows her to eat the same foods as you and the family, WHILE losing weight & toning up (or maintaining her results)
o She wants to eat out with you and share pizza, but she also wants to feel hot! And, she CAN, with the right strategy. Just FYI, it’s the diets that have failed her, she hasn’t failed the diets. There are flexible nutrition strategies out there that can change her life!
– How to manage her mind so she makes lasting changes, instead of starting over… over and over again…which she’s embarrassed about at this point, and is worried what you’ll think if she wants to try something new…when the other stuff hasn’t worked. Don’t give up on her, and don’t let her give up on herself!
– Massive support and accountability while she learns and implements new & simple routines, so she sticks with it long enough to form habits.
– Tools & skills to end emotional eating, which are completely separate from learning to eat healthy and exercise. If she struggles with this, she will ALWAYS struggle with her weight, her relationship with food and often be distracted by overthinking about food and/or her body, which robs your relationship. I was there myself for years.
o It’s often WHY we say no to sex that night (we overate, we feel bloated, we feel fat, we feel shameful etc … it’s not about you)
Can she get all this on her own, by doing a YouTube workouts, or by seeing some random personal trainer at the gym? It’s very unlikely. Why do you think most women struggle with weight loss most of their lives?
She needs a failproof strategy and support.
👸🏻 Imagine what your amazing wife or girlfriend would be like if she felt…
– Amazing in her body
– Energized
– Beautiful
– Vibrant
– Healthy
– Beaming with life
You already love her now, imagine her feeling that! How would that improve your relationship and your entire life?!
For me as a coach, women feeling like that is my mission, my WHY.
🔥 And often, couples make financial decisions together, and I respect that. So, I’m here to clue you in, so you fully understand that her getting the solution to finally get & keep the health & body she’s always wanted, is not a ‘cost’ at all, it’s an investment that will pay her AND YOU back 10-fold, year after year.
I know you love and support her.
I know you want her to be happy.
Listen to her goals and her challenges. Come in with an open mind. What does she need to succeed? Does she really have that? How can I REALLY support her?
I promise, you’ll receive an abundance of benefits from her positive changes too ; )

The PROs and CONs of HUBBY being your ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY for weight loss.

Have you experienced any of the 5 CONs? 👇



  • He wants you to be happy
  • He loves you and knows how important this is to you
  • You two are together a lot, so communication is convenient
  • You’re comfortable sharing anything with him


1️⃣ BECAUSE he wants you to be happy, in those moments where he sees that you’d rather choose comfort (getting a treat, or taking an extra rest day) than change & progress,
there’s a tough choice he’ll have to make often,
😁 Does he support you with short-term happiness (feeling good in the moment with comfort) or
😫 Does he support the long-term happiness (rewards from your efforts).
He wants to be around a happy wife, so … that gets tricky.
2️⃣ It can create tension in your relationship. When does he give TOUGH LOVE and when does he NOT???
😮 Coaches can give the tough love and walk away. Hubby has to live with you.
When you don’t feel like doing your workout, or keeping your treat to 1 portion, and he decides to bring the hammer down, will you be happy or get annoyed/pissed/frustrated?


When I asked Chad to hold me accountable, I’d ask him to be hard on me when I needed it, but then when the time came and he’d push me, my response would either be…
😡 UGGggggg. Annoyed. Maybe play the victim too.
❤️ THANKs, HUN! I’m so grateful!
But, he couldn’t ever tell which reaction he’d get, so he told me he didn’t want to hold me accountable anymore. Fair enough, right? He just wants good vibes between us.
3️⃣ People can really only hold you accountable for what they’re able to hold themselves accountable to.
For example, if your hubby struggles with getting fast food a lil too often, or sticking to a workout schedule, when you want to do the same thing, he’ll likely give you the same thought patterns that are keeping him stuck too. ‘Oh, is it a big deal to miss one workout?’ ‘You can eat healthier tomorrow.’ ‘C’mon, live your life.’ If they can’t stick to something for health, how can they help you do it in those moments?
This goes for any accountability buddy scenario.
4️⃣ He’s witnessed all your efforts, and while he supports you, the doubt may be creeping in, which affects your self-belief too. **
He may have unconscious doubts at play. ‘Will she stick with it this time?’ Because he knows you so well, he always knows that you’ve tried a lot of things, and while he supports you, and you’re feeling a lil doubt too because you know using him for accountability isn’t going to cut it!
You KNOW if you had real accountability, your belief, follow-through (and results) would skyrocket. *
5️⃣  He doesn’t fully know what actions you’re supposed to take to get the results you want. He likely thinks it’s just a matter of eating healthier and working out. (There’s more to it than that). He’s not a body-transformation coach.
BONUS – He can’t keep you 100% accountable ALLLLL the time. It’s easy to create BLAME. 
What if you’re craving to raid the pantry for carbs and he’s busy? Then you go overboard. It’s easy to blame. ‘You were supposed to be there, Babe!”
Or, if he let’s one treat slide and then it leads to more treats. ‘Hun, you were supposed to NOT LET me eat that!’ He can only do so much. It’s on YOU, not him. But, then the tension can sit until you shift out of it.


HUBBY as an accountability buddy CAN work, but you both gotta have some serious relationship and leadership skills… along with letting go of ego, shifting through emotional triggers and more.
And, you gotta have a great plan, otherwise staying accountable to stuff that doesn’t even get results, doesn’t do any good either.
And, then there’s getting a coach