You’re in a unique position to potentially change someone’s life by letting her know about what Jessica Joy coaches on in F.E.M.M.E. Fitness.

A simple introduction can create a ripple effect to not only lead her to the guidance to change her health & body for life, but it can increase her ability to impact her family, loved ones, social sphere, work and more! And, she’ll likely refer other people, thus creating the ripple effect and legacy that started with you.

Without you, they may never even hear about us or have the opportunity to create the results they’ve always wanted with their health and body … in a way that lasts. 

Also, for every introduction you make, whether they sign-up or not, we will donate $10 to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, who has a perfect 4-star rating for financial health and transparency for the 12th consecutive year. The NPCF donates the highest percentage per dollar of any other charity.

👉 Click Here To Learn More About The Foundation



  • Each person you refer will get special access to an exclusive resource of their choice…for free. Options include my ‘5-Day Flatter Tummy Program,’ my ‘Health Fast Food Recipe Book’ and more!
  • If they end up joining Femme Fitness they’ll receive your ‘Friends & Family Bonus Rate’ and special gifts!
  • You’ll receive whichever VIP Gift you prefer. This can be a spa package, luxury dining voucher, cash bonus and more!



If a woman in your life wants to get healthier & lose weight but is struggling, we can support her in some way, whether it’s a free training or more.

  • Don’t worry whether or not she has money for the program
  • Don’t worry whether timing is perfect or not
  • Don’t worry whether she’ll be annoyed at you for talking about it (She’ll likely appreciate you even more for caring enough about her to bring it up!) 
  • If she asks the price, you can let her know I offer different options and the investment varies depending on her goals and situation.

I will take care of the women you care about. I will treat her like family. I will be highly responsive, never pressure and if I don’t hear from her, I’ll check-in two times and call it good. She won’t get put on some list where I endlessly check-in. Everyone always feels genuinely cared about in this process, because that is the TRUTH!




If someone comes to mind who you want to offer a free resource or introduce to Jessica Joy, there are 3 options – you choose whichever feels best for you.

  1. Fill out the ‘Refer-A-Friend’ form – HERE
  2. Introduce us in a group text, message or email (template below)
  3. Share a social media post, and see if you get interest in the comments or by friends reaching out (example below)

MORE DETAILS on all options below

STEP 1 – Get her permission

Just let your friends and family know about FEMME Fitness, what we do and ask if they’d be interested in learning more about how to get great body transformation results through an introduction. 

Open up a group messenger chat or group text with the person you’re introducing and me. Make sure we’re all included – her, you and me 🙌


Step 2 – Copy and paste this message template below into a group messenger chat  or use a similar one of your own:

If text is better, I’m at 541-790-1131

Hey [Name] and Jessica,
[Name], this is Jessica Joy, my body transformation coach that I was telling you about, who’s changing my life!
Jessica, this is my good friend [Name] who I was telling you about, who’s just as motivated as I am (or whichever qualities you want to give her credit for!). I’ve told her all about you and she’s excited to connect. I think you could be a good fit to help her reach her goals and guide her in the best direction like you have me.
I’ll let you two take it from here. Please let me know if you need anything from me!

Step 3 – Ill keep you posted along the way!


THAT’S IT. You do the introduction, I do the rest, taking care of her the entire way! I’m committed to supporting her moving forward in the best way for HER. I’ll keep you posted on where she’s at in the journey, how things are moving forward and if she joins the F.E.M.M.E. Fitness tribe, you can keep your eyes peeled for your VIP gifts!



If you want a little extra support on how to do your first or second introduction, just send me a FB message so we can collaborate on an introduction and I can show you how easy it is 😊
Here’s an example of the template in action below!


(If you’d like me to make before & after image for you, I’m happy to do so. Just send me a message)

INTENTION OF THE POST – Give people in your audience HOPE if they’re feeling stuck, be an example of what’s possible and be celebrated for your progress and commitment!!!


  • Challenges you had and couldn’t fix, and how you were able to fix it or progress through the program
  • Did this program, the best investment I ever made. It changed me life.
  • I used to be _____, now I’m _______. I never thought I’d get here
  • Still have a ways to go, but know it’s happening!


People are going to give you massive props. Some may even say things like, ‘I need this,’ or ‘What are you doing?’ Those people are seeking support in some way. For those people only, send them a quick message to give them better support. Here’s an optional template.

Hey ______ , thanks for commenting on my before and after post. I noticed you asked about what I did/that you needed this. I just wanted to let you know I’ve been working with a coach, she’s really changing my life. I’ve tried so many things, and this is the first thing that’s really educated me and given me the accountability I needed to get these results. If you’re interested in learning more, I’m happy to introduce you to her, she’s awesome. 

If she says, SURE, then use the group intro template above.

If she says something about not being interested yet (which is totally cool), you can offer her the link! (There’s no need to fear what she’s going to say because even if she’s not open to the introduction, you still have something generous & valuable to give her. Nobody is going to feel bad about that!) You can say something like,

No worries! I do have a link that will give you access to her free recipe book & FB group, there’s also a spot you can reach out to her if you ever want to know more. Would you like it? 

Here ya go! I really love the healthy snacks recipes in there 😊


Thank you in advance for helping us positively impact women to have lasting solutions for their health & body goals! 


👀 Keep your eyes peeled for special contests, campaigns and philanthropic elements moving forward as well!!!