How To Get Accountability for Your Health Goals

So, to give some context as to why I’m wearing my panda shower cap in a public hot tub,  let me ask you a few questions. 

  • Do you ever commit to starting healthy habits, and not follow through?
  • Do you start out on a plan or program being super healthy, then hit a wall at week 2 – 5 and go back to old ways?
We’ve all been there, right?
Well, I was struggling with those exact problems. I developed some poor health habits last year before ending my emotional eating habits, and I was ready to replace them, but I wasn’t following through. I wasn’t honoring my word, which meant I wasn’t honoring myself, which I am 100% worthy of and so are you! 
I was…
  • late-night snacking most nights
  • procrastinating exercise and foregoing it 3-4 days/week
  • getting treats too often which would send my sugar cravings into overload
  • eating heavy foods every weekend that replaced my adventurous plans with naps
As a result, I was…
  • drained in the evenings
  • not really happy with my body
  • could only fit into the biggest clothes in my closet, and I didn’t even like them that much
  • Felt I was missing out on a lot of life I wanted to live!!!! Adventures, exploring, learning to salsa, surf and longboard!
I know having support & accountability is a crucial part of changing habits, so I reached out to my fabulous, fierce friend, Ashlee. We made daily commitments to each other. 
My daily healthy commitments 
1. No snooze button, out of bed when alarm goes off
2. 30-minute workout, 6 days/week (I’d recommend a newbie starting with much less)  
3. Plan tomorrow today (Must be planned before the next day starts)
4. No food after 8pm
But, even with us two powerhouses together, we were lacking consistency. After 2 weeks, we knew we needed to adjust.
Let’s create an INCENTIVE for when we do our commitments, and a CONSEQUENCE for when we don’t – let’s say, if we miss 4 or more per week we then get to do our CONSEQUENCES. 
We determined our individual commitments, incentives and consequences, shared them with each other and suddenly we kicked it into HIGH GEAR because she didn’t want to do those 100 burpees, and I didn’t want to… 
WEAR MY PANDA SHOWER CAP in the busy hot tub at our 
apartment complex full of college students living in SoCal.
I had hit my numbers, and had missed 3 that week and felt fine about it. But then, I fell asleep before I ‘planned tomorrow today,’ and I had to own up to missing 4 commitments, and that was the standard I had set for myself.
Miss 4 = CONSEQUENCE = shower cap time! 
She and I have been rocking this system for about 6 weeks, and now I don’t need accountability for not pressing snooze, it’s my new norm, I don’t even think about pressing snooze now – it’s just up and out of bed easy peasy. BUT, during the habit forming process that was not the case – I would moan and groan. 
What I really wanted to share is that having support & accountability when we’re trying to form new health habits is crucial, and you’re worthy of having it! It helps us get over the habit-forming HUMP so what was once hard, becomes our NEW NORMAL and NORMAL = EASY, which as you know, is what I’m all about – making health EASY and ENJOYABLE. And, even taking it to the next level from there, FABULOUS, JOYFUL and SOUL-IGNITING! Stick with me, and I’ll take you there! 
Much love, Jessica Joy 
P.S. I’d love to hear one habit that’s always undermining your health goals. Comment below and let me know!