This travel workout routine uses no equipment, just bodyweight, so you can roll out of bed while traveling, fit in your workout, and be on with your day. Having a go-to bodyweight workout like this creates an easy, hassle-free (no equipment) travel workout routine.
Once you have 1 -3 awesome hotel room friendly workouts, you can use them every time you travel. And, you’re going to love this one. Every exercise is interesting, so you’re not stuck doing a bazillion sit-ups, push-ups, air squats and plain ol’ lunges. Oi. I don’t do boring workouts myself, so I don’t expect you to do them either. Haha!
I know for me, if I don’t workout in the morning when I’m traveling, it doesn’t happen. And, I also know if I don’t workout at least every other day while traveling, I have more cravings, I’m more lethargic, I’m less adventurous and all the clear-headedness I was looking forward to isn’t working out so well.
I know for some, the idea of exercising during travel and/or vacation can seem crazy, too hard or just a big, WHY?
Throughout my travel experiences I’ve learned (sometimes the hard way), I enjoy my travel WAY more when I fit in a quick (often sweaty) workout in the morning. It takes my day up a few notches, or several, EVERY time. It’s a fail-proof way to up my day. And, don’t you want to be feeling as great as possible on vacay/travel? Heck yes!
Here’s your new go-to travel workout routine!
WARM-UP – 30 seconds each, 2 times through
- Jog
- 180′ pivot + fan to narrow squat pulse
- Side to side bounce, progressively get lower
- Runner’s lunge, twist open. R side 1st round. L side 2nd round
WORKOUT – 50 seconds workout/10 sec. rest or 10 reps of each. Hit 2-3 rounds (Goal is 20-30 minutes of work)
Option – add weight to squats w/lateral leg raise & curtsey lunges
- Narrow squat, lateral leg raise R
- Plank walk-out to push-up, walk-in, repeat
- Narrow squat, lateral leg raise L
- 10 Mt Climbers to 1 jumping jack
- Curtsey lunge side to side, arms raised
- Superman to push-up
- Prisoner squats
- Side to side triangle lunges : )
Because I love you, and you’ll love me back! Give it a go, and let me know how it goes.
Much love,
Jessica Joy